So, does weightlifting affect your flexibility negatively? If we gave a straight answer to this question, it would be an emphatic NO. However, There are Things You May Have Been Neglecting For...
Tag: Weightlifting | Answers
Does weightlifting count as moderate exercise? The simple answer to this is: Yes, weightlifting can be count as moderate exercise. However, the answer to that question also is threefold and depends...
I am an aging adult who is eager to prevent or reverse the effects of aging on the body and appearance. I overheard a conversation regarding the tremendous benefits that weightlifting has in this...
Weightlifting does not cause vitamin D deficiency, in fact, a recent study from the Harvard school of public health (HSPH) suggests that rigorous exercise (weightlifting included) leads to higher...
Can you run in weightlifting shoes? The right footwear is required for lifting heavy. Some individuals maximize their lift by wearing designated weightlifting shoes. However, the biggest drawback to...
Can I Build Muscle Without Taking Supplements? (The Right Answer)
You started going to the gym and noticed these big guys hanging around...And you wonder what do they do to build such a big muscle? Are they taking any food supplements to make them that big? Well,...