"No pain no gain" is an age-old mantra that many coaches and athletes in the resistance training world live by. However, in reality, this isn't always the case, and athletes need some time to deload...
Category: Weightlifting Tips
Every so often, I go over my workout routine, and I revamp it by going in search of smarter workout options for each muscle group designed to give me better results in half the time. As I got to my...
The largest muscles in your body are housed in your legs; therefore, it is essential to focus on proper form and train heavy. Squats are remarkable for toning and strengthening your legs. However,...
After recently getting into weightlifting, I decided to do a little research into the different types of lifting and the benefits of each. Talking with people at the gym showed me that different...
Weightlifting is a demanding sport that requires strength, speed, flexibility, balance, and coordination. The movements are technical and explosive. It is a power sport that requires perfect...
Tips How To Start Weightlifting Crossfit Exercise For Elderly
Over the years, CrossFit has continued to gain a considerable amount of attention for various reasons. Renowned for its controversial training techniques, high-intensity workouts, and high injury...